Mina Loy, Surreal Scene
- Deborah Poe birds & beads Kate Schapira
- Anna Lena Phillips boots, bottles, buttons Molly Tenenbaum
- Melissa Severin tucks Emma Rossi, Elizabeth Barbato, Suzanne Heyd, and Daniela Olszewska
- Krista Franklin opens a window on Linda Susan Jackson
- Krista Franklin gilds Ruth Ellen Kocher
- Abi Stokes collages Matthea Harvey
- Tyler Flynn Dorholt splices Sandy Florian, Joyelle McSweeney, Laura Solórzano, and Kim Hyesoon
- Jennifer Karmin street teams Kristin Prevallet
- Daniela Olszewska puts a bow on Chelsey Minnis
- Christine Neacole Kanownik horses around with Jennifer Scappettone
- Janet Snell goes Dickinson on Nanette Rayman-Rivera
Original Call for Work
What book, chapbook, performance, or poem by a woman poet published/presented in the last year or two has left you speechless? How might that speechlessness manifest itself visually, sonically, or through another nonverbal medium?
Please create a response to this piece; your response can act like a review, adaptation, homage, investigation, companion piece, Frankenstein, child, or any mash-up of the aforementioned. In September 2009, all responses submitted will be featured as part of a forum here on Delirious Hem.
Curated by K. Lorraine Graham and Becca Klaver.