Belladonna* Presents:
Juliana Spahr, tc tolbert
Poem. Body. Planet. Need.
Tuesday, April 3, 7pm. $6
Dixon Place Lounge
How can we, as poets, take care of ourselves, our creative work, and the larger planetary body on which we depend? Juliana Spahr and tc tolbert read from new work and discuss. This event is part of the 2011-2012 Belladonna* Material Lives season which calls attention to the material life of the artist, as person, who, in addition to being creator/conspirator to a body of work, possesses a physical body, and real financial, medical and social needs. Bring questions and desire.
Juliana Spahr is the author of Well Then There Now (Black Sparrow Press, 2011); This Connection of Everyone with Lungs (University of California Press, 2005); Fuck You—Aloha—I Love You (Wesleyan University Press, 2001); and Response (Sun & Moon Press, 1996), winner of the National Poetry Series Award.
TC Tolbert is a genderqueer, feminist poet and teacher committed to social justice. S/he is a member of Movement Salon, a compositional improvisation group in Tucson, and is the Interview Curator forTrickhouse, an online multi-genre publication. TC’s chapbook, territories of folding, was recently published by Kore Press. His manuscript, Gephyromania, is forthcoming from Ahsahta Press. His poems can be found in Volt, The Pinch, Drunken Boat, Shampoo, A Trunk of Delirium, jubilat, andEOAGH. S/he is the creator of Made for Flight, a youth empowerment project that utilizes creative writing and kite building to commemorate murdered transgender people and dismantle homophobia and transphobia.
Dixon Place Lounge
161a Chrystie St. (off Delancey)